Tuesday, August 7, 2007


Saturday night, some friends came over. We ate dinner, got in the pool, then ate dessert. It was a simple evening...but it was very nice.

True friends are people that you don't need to dress up for.

True friends are people that you don't need to try to impress.

True friends are people who you can basically say anything to, and they can say anything to you.

True friends are people that you can just look at and break into fits of laughter for one reason or another.

Years and years ago I often wondered if we'd ever get to the point in our lives where we could spend an evening with friends and have it be just an "adults only" type of night. Well, now that time is here and I wonder...where did the time go???

We had a great time Saturday night...it's so nice to just spend the time not doing anything special, but just sort of hanging out.

There's a lot to be said for friendship.


Anonymous said...

It was a wonderful evening, thank you! We always look forward to being able to spend time with you and Ted.
